One-on-One Social Media Coaching Calls

coach-9 Did you know I offer one-on-one social media coaching sessions now? I started offering them quietly a few months ago and have really been enjoying them. I used to shy away from giving social media advice and I've never released a course on blogging before (although I'm finally working on one for photography now) not because I was against people who offered these options but because I never really saw myself as a teacher. I felt like if I went into one of those positions where I tried to guide others or teach them I wouldn't be able to effectively communicate my methods or I'd struggle to find meaning in the position...but now several months into coaching I have to say I really love it. It's very rewarding to work one-on-one with people and see the lightbulb light up behind their eyes when you give them direction or a creative boost. Working with people individually means looking at their specific profiles and identifying why their growth is stagnating or why they're struggling to meet their goals; it's not formulaic at all because everyone is unique. We're all operating on the same platforms so there is some social media strategy advice involved, but it's not a generic "use 30 hashtags a post" and more "let's explore which hashtags are a good fit for your content and why and identify who your ideal audience is and how to find them."
coach-5 coach-4 As I shared in a recent social media post, August marks the traditional start of harvest season in my region. My father-in-law says it will be a bumper year for apples on the farm and you can already see and smell the change in the orchards; wee crab apples are beginning to fall and the Bramley’s are growing large and sunburnt in the late summer light. Not too long ago Thomas was out in the orchards helping to pull shots, or remove the water shoots that grow in the spring. Water shoots don’t produce flowers or fruit, if you let them grow unchecked they sap the tree’s energy which leads to smaller and fewer apples. It’s a lesson I keep applying to my sessions and reviews—unchecked growth doesn’t produce the best harvest. When you focus on generic advice that doesn't take into mind your strengths, weaknesses, and goals, you might still manage to grow but it's unchecked growth--it's water shoots in all directions leading to content that is less focused and an audience that is less engaged. I want to nurture sustainable creativity, setting up a system where you feel inspired and your work has direction. I focus on organic growth that can be slow, but will yield a harvest of an engaged audience in your niche. In a call we'll discuss your goals, look at your work so far and identify which posts are successful and which ones are holding you back; I look at your feed and work from a technical standpoint of what platforms like and how to get a better response, but also from a creative perspective to feel your passion, and we work on setting goals and steps moving forward. I can also provide tailored photography advice, visual storytelling, tips for better captions, etc.
coach-8 If you're looking for advice on your social media you can get in touch to book me via this form. I can do a personalized 360 review of your platform looking at your work from all angles and identifying areas to grow and improve upon. Or you can book a one-on-one coaching video call with me where we take the same targeted look at your work and you can also ask me questions and for clarity via follow-up emails. I only have a few spaces left this month for coaching, so I'd book soon if you'd like to do a call this month!
*pictures edited with Shade preset from my Summer Preset Pack*


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