If there's two things I'd call staples in my autumn wardrobe it would be: pinafores and foxy things. If I added a third non-clothing item it would also be pumpkins! I love when my house is overflowing with pumpkins. But when it comes to clothing I'm pretty addicted to pinafores and all the fox-themed pieces, so I was very excited to see this new dress from Nour & the Merchant which combines my two loves! Pinafores are great because you can wear them so many ways and layer them too; I'll even wear a pinafore dress layered on top of a dress for extra coziness and an apron-like look. And who doesn't like foxes?! This pinafore really couldn't be more my style since it is such a classic pinafore and features the sweetest sleeping fox embroidery. I'm even in love with the length and little ruffle details. I like it so much I'm tempted to get the green version too...but I'm trying to resist! As soon as this dress arrived in the mail I threw it on and headed straight to my local pumpkin patch. It hasn't opened yet to the public but we're friends with the farmer and he allowed us a good wander around at sunset. I'm a day early for October, but I'm definitely ready for spooky season...