These days I blog more at Patreon so I thought I'd share a peek into what's been happening on Patreon lately. So far this month I've shared inspiration in the form of classic paintings that give me cottagecore vibes, like the painting above (‘Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose’ ) by John Singer Sargent. It's such a lovely painting that perfectly captures summer twilight. The painting is also interesting because it was one of the first paintings he did after his famous 'Madame X' that caused so much controversy he retreated from Paris to the English countryside. One wonders if without that controversy he would have continued to paint portraits in Paris and we never would have the delicate beauty of 'Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose' to enjoy.
I also published a collection of April wallpapers with more than 30 photographs with early spring blossoms that were all captured around my home this month. Some of the flowers shared were the wood anemone (or thimbleweed) above, as well as wild primroses, daffodils, and camellias. It's so lovely watching spring start to emerge in our region. Every month on Patreon I share a different collection of wallpapers for patrons to download; usually the collection is seasonally themed and sometimes I mix in patrons favorite words and quotes.

A new feature I just added to Patreon is "find me a thatch" or a list of quirky properties for sale around Ireland. This month featured five unique thatch houses, most with surprisingly reasonable price tags. I'm excited to share more cottagecore-perfect thatch houses and other unique homes in the future.

If you miss my more regular posts consider hopping over to Patreon where I post several times a week and chat regularly around art, inspiration, photography, and so much more! Patrons get exclusive access to nearly two hundred posts, hundreds of wallpapers, videos, and more. It only costs $3 to become a patron and I'd love to see you over there! Click here to become a patron.